Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Candy free Easter basket ideas!

Ok parents, we all know kids have tons of energy. Give em candy and you have your own Tazmanian Devil on hand! So this year I will be making candy free baskets for my girls. Here are some ideas for you. Get creative and add in things that your kiddos love! Hit the dollar store up for most of these!
  1. Stickers
  2. Bubbles
  3. Puzzles
  4. Crayons
  5. Markers
  6. Glitter
  7. Makeup
  8. Lip gloss
  9. Books
  10. Dress up jewelry
  11. Nail polish
  12. Hair bows
  13. Doll
  14. Slinky
  15. Glow sticks
  16. Play dough
  17. Dried fruit
  18. Juice boxes
  19. Coloring book
  20. Notebook